Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thing 27

My things for this topic is Reader's Theater.

For a literacy class , I had to write a reader's theater script. My topic was the Holocaust.  The professor told me to find a way to really use the script because it was "outstanding"!

So feeling confident,  I approached a few social studies teachers at my school.  For the most part they said , "they were too busy" .

So I shared the script with another librarian in a different school district and she will have a group of students performing the script  on April 18th , which is Holocaust remembrance day.

Ipadio will be the technology " cool tool"  used  to record the reading. 

We will also keep in mind the information we learned in a recent SLS professional development class on Copyright.


  1. Oh, that sounds terrific. Is ipadio a free app? I haven't looked at that one yet. Do post a followup on how it goes. And love the incorporation of copyright concepts in this lesson.

  2. "they were too busy."

