Monday, May 25, 2015

Thing 30

I am sorry to see the end of the school tools.

I enjoy discovering new tools and most importantly having the time to browse, tinker and learn at my own pace.
I will continue to add to my Libguides and will use the new tools to make it even better, for example adding screencasts. I enjoyed reviewing and learning about extension, apps and add ons and playing withe browser settings.
I have put the coding tools to use and have started a small group of students in a coding class using Scratch. It is my hope that from the coding skills we can venture into raspberry pi and arduinos.

I had a makers faire for my high school and enjoyed reading the articles on this topic that you shared. They were very helpful.

I always share new tools with other teachers. Its great having so many"cool tools" to share. 

I hope that we continue the program and maybe in the future  discuss STEaM tools and ideas. Also I recently took a PD class on assistive technology and could use a better perspective and more "cool tools" on this topic.
Hope to be back together in the Fall. Great stuff!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thing 29 Student Response Tools

As a teacher we need to gather feedback as a means of formative assessment. Some of the tools discussed in this Thing  are  great for this need and for creating exit tickets and Do Nows.
I have used Padlet (wallwisher )several times. I decided to try answergarden with my co workers. I asked them : What is your favorite book? Not too original , lol.  So, now we have an awesome world cloud and they have a new student response tool. It was a very easy to use tool.
In the past I have used voicethread for instruction and assessment. I  have also tried Socrative but students did not take to it. I do really like to use google forms for quizzes. Its especially helpful when combined with flubaroo. I had learned how to do this in a workshop at DC BOCES. I really liked the instructions that Eric Curts created on online assessments using Google Forms.

I used Padlet to ask students as a "do now" , Why do we have a school library?  Quizlet is used throughout my school.  I plan to take a closer look at Seesaw
This tools can be used to brainstorm or to assess students??

Monday, May 18, 2015

Thing 28 Emerging Tech:

Most new technology is relevant to the school library. New technologies engage students and give them more options for completing assignments and furthering their personal and academic goals.  I  like the idea of students having personal learning environments and dashboards. I have a MS in instructional technology so I’m all about new technology.
 I hope to have a 3D printer for my students (soon) and to model app smashing ideas.  I have started to explore
Tellagami, and it looks very interesting.
 In one of the articles, they referred to the library as “the workspace of the future”. I really love this concept. I will be rethinking the future of the PHS library with this idea in my mind.
 The makers movement is a great novel idea for libraries. I have recently hosted a Makers faire and the students asked for more activities like we had at the faire. So every Monday I have tried to set up a Makers project on a small table for students that wish to get involved. It has been very well received.
 Technology trends to date have made it possible for students to access the library virtually. So the physical  space can be re thought as to offerings other than  the typical library resources.
 The challenge will be to work within NYS standards to re define the library.  Some important issues / trends on the horizon other than funding will be equitable access and digital literacy and citizenship.
These issues are also relevant to the community at large and the school community

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Thing 26 Advocacy

The video by Heidi was very informative. I have tried most of the same ideas in one way or another.  Unfortunately it's the same small group of teachers and students that see the value of the library.  

I have created screencasts using Jing, talking mascots, an awesome webpage and a makerspace.  I'm still not getting the message out because  I haven't shown student achievement in a clear and concise way. I have a bulletin board that says,"the road to life- long learning starts at the library." No comments yet from staff or students. My data wall only has checkouts by grades. i do have student work posted.

So my new elevator speech will have to focus on the schools mission and the improvement goals as Heidi mentioned. I also need more of a web presence such as twitter. Every chance I get I ask the school's public relations lady to post about the latest library projects , contests etc. to the school district website. My district is laying off all elementary LMS this year. Its about money and as they say what's mandatory.

Im going to spend the summer re thinking my elevator speech. Sometimes I wonder why we have to show our importance and why administrator cant already see it. i resent justifying my existence at times.

I will tailor my message to my school and community. ( my audience) I need the data and some personal stories to change the thinking in my district.

Thing 25

Powering up your browser

This was very informative. I didn't really understand the differences between apps, extensions , plugins and bookmarks. Starting to get a better understanding from the readings. Spent to much time I didn't have playing with Google Apps and Chrome apps.

 Google Drive App
Photo to cartoon
I played around with the different settings. Knew how to clear browsing history and auto fill. Changed themes. I especially enjoyed the short Spotting malware video. Would like to know what tool was used to make the video? Added and removed extensions.
Kept AdBlock Plus.
I really like too many of the Chrome Apps, Kaienza, Blendspace and Origami for starters. Powtoon is fun for students and cna used for many class related projects. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Thing 24 Infographics

Link to my piktochart:

I needed to create a poster for my upcoming makers faire so I decided to use piktochart.
It was easy to add photos and to change and format the flyer. I downloaded the flyer, allowed "png" only for free account and printed it
I did not use it for data. Actually at this time I have no data to use.
This could be used for mathematics and science classes to show data that students have collected.
Eventually I could use it to show library usage and other library activities and statistics

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Thing 27

My things for this topic is Reader's Theater.

For a literacy class , I had to write a reader's theater script. My topic was the Holocaust.  The professor told me to find a way to really use the script because it was "outstanding"!

So feeling confident,  I approached a few social studies teachers at my school.  For the most part they said , "they were too busy" .

So I shared the script with another librarian in a different school district and she will have a group of students performing the script  on April 18th , which is Holocaust remembrance day.

Ipadio will be the technology " cool tool"  used  to record the reading. 

We will also keep in mind the information we learned in a recent SLS professional development class on Copyright.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thing # 23 Makerspaces

It took me a long time to read and review the different links for this posting.  I wanted to read as much information as possible on this topic.  I  have also spoken to people that have started and/or attended makers's faires.

I have a personal interest in this topic because for my annual performance review. I plan to create a makerspace in the high school library. I  started creating a makerspace in the PHS library in September. I have no budget for this initiative.

 My first step towards this adventure was to put out kinetic sand, popsicle sticks  and origami papers on tables throughout the library.  I tried to start small and cheap. Some teachers and friends have been donating legos.

My real intent is to have a STEM/STEAM makers' space.  I have a raspberry pi, 2 sunfounder kits and 2 arduinos. I haven't loaned these out yet because I'm learning to use them. 

I have tried to get a 3D printer through various grants.

A student is helping me make a take-a-part display of an old computer.

In April, I will be having a Maker's faire in the library. The different departments and content areas, ie  (social studies, math , art etc) are going to set up maker tables for students to browse and create.

This will be me official kick off event. I have students coming from local colleges to also share a skill.

We will start coding classes using Scratch soon.The classes will have to be before school .

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Thing #22 Create A Resource Guide

I have at some time or another used many of the resources in this lesson.  I was fortunate enough to have my school pay for Libguides. I continually update the guide for staff, students and parents.
I use the guide for class projects, to promote the library and events taking place in the library. I also use Libguides to promote the library/resources. The guide is a work in progress.
