Thing 21 Productivity Tools
About 3 years ago I created a Dropbox account to replace my USB. I was really happy with this tool and it served its purpose for me. Eventually , I changed to Google drive and have not been using Dropbox . I like that Google Drive has collaboration abilities that I don't have in Dropbox. Im really looking to find a tools that will help me collect all of the blogs, wikis, and other tools I have used and put them in one place. I have so many that I can't remember all of them. I need for the tool to search my name and find all of my online presence. I had a hard time trying to remember and retrieve the information for my blog tonight.
I signed up for an Evernote account and added a video to a notebook. I actually was trying to find a DIY project on video that showed how to create LED necklaces, so I accomplished a few things with this assignment.